/ Forschung, People
Neue Publikation von Sebastian Dümling: Being There, but How? – On the Transformation of Presence in (Post-)Pandemic Times

The book addresses the fundamental changes in human experience brought about by digital and virtual interactions in everyday living, especially after the covid-19 pandemic. It contributes to the ongoing discourse in social sciences and humanities about the impact of technology on our perception of presence and self.
In phenomenological tradition, presence has been understood as fundamental for human experience: I experience the world as my lifeworld because I am present in this world. Even more, I experience myself as »I« only in the physical presence of the other. However, this concept of presence has become fragile through processes of mediatization – especially in (post-)pandemic everyday life. Presence can no longer be experienced exclusively in physical proximity, but also digitally or virtually. With global case studies alongside theoretical discussions by both students as well as junior and senior researchers, the volume launches a conversation between social sciences and humanities on how this change affects human experience.