/ Forschung, Organisation, People

Frauen in der Wissenschaft

Video des NCCR über/mit Katrin Sontag.

Die Video-Kampagne des NCCR ist u.a. auch auf YouTube zu sehen.

To celebrate Women’s Day 2021 and the 50th anniversary of women's right to vote in Switzerland, the NCCRWomen campaign releases a series of videos showcasing women working in science. The videos are targeted at women and girls of school and undergraduate age to show what day to day life as a scientist is like and make it more accessible. Our videos will be available here:
NCCRWomen Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOSn0rhflLmS5pwkC3wS34w
Instagram channel: English: https://www.instagram.com/nccrwomen/German:https://www.instagram.com/nccrwomen_de/French: https://www.instagram.com/nccrwomen_fr/ 
nccr on the move social media:Twitter: https://twitter.com/nccr_onthemove

Katrin Sontag forscht zum Thema Migration im vom SNF finanzierten Projekt "Perimeters of Multilayered Democratic Citizenship in a Mobile and Multicultural World".